Partners & Donors
Thank You!
Thank You for your part in restoring Northern Michigan’s rivers and wildlife habitats!
Wildlife and river restoration starts and ends with people just like you … but did you know a whole network works together behind the scenes?
Every single CRA restoration project integrates funding and input from a range of interested parties, like local community organizations, federal agencies, foundations, individuals, and more. This diversity of ideas and financial support is critical because long-lasting solutions require a careful balance, best reached by hearing all voices.
Solutions are always based on sound science practice but also come from a combination of regulation to local history, tribal culture, and practical factors that will ensure community ownership. And to cross the finish line, our ambitious goals need public grants, private contributions to match those grants and fill gaps, and volunteer assistance to keep costs reasonable.
So, from the bottom of northern Michigan’s wild rivers to the top of its protected forests, we thank you for supporting CRA’s mission. Your contributions ripple deeply and widely across the entire Great Lakes region by preserving community treasures. Future generations will have YOU to thank for healthy watersheds and thriving wildlife!

CRA’s staple program, River Care, allows us to complete projects from stem to stern across our 15-county service region. First identified at the local level, River Care projects make their way to our Workplan and are managed by our veteran project management team. River Care fills project funding gaps and is used to leverage federal dollars to complete critically important work in each watershed we care for.

Federal & State Funding
Federal and state funding sources are also key to our work! Our River Care Program page highlights active and past River Care projects and every funding source that was utilized for that project.
Click below to learn more!